We want to share a hard lesson we have learned about eminent domain, the right of the local and state government to seize private property for public use, with compensation in return, and with or without a person’s consent.
Read moreTHURSDAY, APRIL 6, 2023
Read moreWEDNESDAY, APRIL 5, 2023
Read moreTUESDAY, APRIL 4, 2023
Read moreYou hear it all the time: “It was a coincidence that…” but SQuire Rushnell coined a new phrase for things that happen with no explanation, believing it could have only occurred by God’s intervention. He and his wife (also a speaker, Louise D’Art), wrestled for weeks to come up with a phrase to mean an occurrence that seemed like it “just happened” but was really more than that. Finally, Squire said ‘’Godwinks” just floated into his mind.
Read moreThis old hog sold for a record-breaking price. A used Harley-Davidson motorcycle sold for nearly a million dollars recently. No, inflation is not what caused the extravagant price tag, according to the Association of Mature American Citizens [AMAC].
Read moreSUNDAY, APRIL 2, 2023
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