FRIDAY, JUNE 30, 2023
Read moreDEAR ABBY: My daughter “Lia” and her husband, “Jerry,” visited his mother and stepdad, “Gil,” a few months ago. Gil gave Lia an inappropriate hug, with his hand sliding to her buttocks. Lia said Gil had done this before and it made her uncomfortable. She told Jerry, and he began watching his stepdad closely when they visited. Recently, my family and I visited Jerry’s parents. Gil gave me a hug around my back, and then slid his hand down my back and grabbed MY buttock with a quick squeeze! His wife was standing in front of us when he did it. I looked at her in shock. She looked down at the floor and then at me, expressionless. After I told my daughter what he had done, she told me he had done it to her as well. My son-in-law wants to tell his mother he doesn’t feel comfortable leaving his young daughters at their house. I know Lia and I should have said something when it happened, but we were caught off guard and didn’t call him on it. How do you think this should be handled? -- CAUGHT OFF GUARD DEAR CAUGHT OFF GUARD: Your daughter was right to tell her husband what his stepdad has been doing, and you should tell him, too, if you haven’t already done it. Gil’s behavior is extremely inappropriate. It’s interesting that he doesn’t discriminate -- any buttock within reach appears to be fair game. You, your daughter and Jerry need to explain that fact to Jerry’s mother and her husband. From now on, it makes sense that Jerry’s mother should visit her little granddaughters at Lia and Jerry’s without her spouse.
Read moreTUESDAY, JUNE 27, 2023
Read moreTry switching salsa with Hidden Ranch Smokehouse SECRET SAUCE and put a whole new twist to breakfast burritos. Challenged to walk all over Walmart to find the salsa, I picked out a bottle of SECRET SAUCE to experiment and will never go back to salsa. I urge you to try it. (Actually, they’re great for any meal or snacks! Don’t tell the kids they’re healthy. They don’t have to know.)
Read moreAre President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump too old to be President of the United States?
Read more“Wonder what the count is today,” said Herb. “Sure is hot.”
Read moreSUNDAY, JUNE 25, 2023
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