An easy way for families to save time and money at the grocery store is to rely on “shop at home” services being offered by many different retailers.
Read moreDEAR ABBY: I have a problem I haven’t seen in your column before. My husband comes from a large family with siblings spread far and wide. We live in the home state and are happy to accommodate his brothers and sisters (families, dogs) when they come home to visit and ask to stay with us.
Read moreDEAR ABBY: I have multiple chronic health conditions. Because my symptoms are worsened by a lot of foods, I’m on a highly restricted diet. If I stay on it, I feel as well as possible. (I never feel entirely well.)
Read moreThe depletion of the ozone layer was once a hot topic, but this issue has largely fallen by the wayside in recent years.
Read moreDEAR ABBY: After a long relationship, “Eric” and I plan on getting married very soon. My problem is, Eric is secretive. He keeps his phone right next to him, and before he walks into the house, he sits in his car, clearing his history. I know he looks at porn, and I’m not happy about it, but it’s the other things I’m angry and confused about.
Read moreThe Wewoka First Baptist Women met in the church parlor January 23rd 2020 for their monthly mission study.
Phyllis Williamson opened the meeting welcoming all members and also thanking Ruby Bevelhymer for being the hostess.
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