birthdays Those celebrating birthdays today include Tristin Aldridge, Larry Bingham, Sherman Buckner, Jack Childs Sr, Gary Cole, Merax Dockery, Kenneth Elliott, Mae Gillespie, James Gipson, Linda Green, Reginald Hardeman, W.H.
Read moreWewoka’s Lions baseball field will be receiving some major upgrades this summer from none other than Major League Baseball (MLB). MLB has teamed up with Scotts Co. for the Scotts
Read moreMore than 181,000 registered Oklahoma voters will receive an official Address Confirmation Notice from the State Election Board over the next two months. “A voter who receives an Address Confirmation
Read moreWhat’s it like to spend all four years of high school in a converted grocery store? That was the experience of most of the 94 Seminole High School students who
Read moreMay 5, 1934 In Washington D.C., R.H. Stickell, Washington representative for the International Oil Workers Union, said it was possible that the strike of oil workers in the Seminole field
Read moreGraduation is the culmination of a lengthy journey students take in pursuit of their academic and professional goals. As graduation day draws near, it can be tempting for students to
Read moreBOWLEGS SCHOOLS Monday – Breakfast: toast, scrambled eggs, cereal, fruit , juice and milk. Lunch: Spaghetti with meat sauce, breadstick, green beans, fruit, milk and salad bar. Tuesday – Breakfast:
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