Above, Chloee Ogden is the winner of a girls’ bicycle, during the summer reading program at the Seminole Library. Below, James David Myers is the winner of the boys’ bicycle.
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Oklahoma Highway Patrol is investigating a one-vehicle accident that left one man dead and resulted in a manslaughter arrest on Monday, June 24.
Read moreAbove, custodial and maintenance workers take time out for lunch Wednesday. Pictured are, from left, Christie McKee, Donny Coblentz and Meranda Sharp. Below, Madison Harris moves one of several boxes from library.
Read moreThe Seminole Rotary Club members spent the noon hour discussing plans for the coming year under the leadership of incoming president Linda Goeller, and the club’s focus will remain on community and service.
Read moreThe VF Corporation has announced changes to their company, and that has had an impact on the Seminole Wrangler plant.
Read moreFollowing is a list of events, which occur regularly each week or month in Seminole County.
All-You-Can-Eat Breakfast at Maud Masonic Lodge, 8 – 11 a.m. The cost is $5 per person and the menu changes weekly.
Read moreFew people can make it through the dog days of summer without turning on their air conditioners.
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