When buying their favorite beers, beer lovers may have noticed manufacturers are using cans to urge customers to store their beers in a certain way.
Read moreFormer pupils and friends of Clarence Burg, Dean of the College of Fine Arts at Oklahoma City University, will be interested to learn that he will conduct classes in piano here on Saturdays. Mr.
Read moreIf lawmakers want to improve health outcomes in Oklahoma, one way to generate significant progress is to improve education outcomes, one expert recently told members of the legislative Healthcare Working Group.
Read moreA state senator who has been a prominent critic of Oklahoma’s virtual charter schools for K-12 students, particularly Epic Charter Schools, holds a doctorate from a for-profit online university that was subsequently closed amid claims it was a dip
Read moreThe kids at Betty L. Smith Early Childhood Center welcomed Mike Snyder as a guest at their grandparents tea party.
Read moreSeveral reports of tires being slashed have been made to Seminole Police Department, as well as reports of theft from vehicles, front porch areas and yards across Seminole. At least
Read moreThe state funded projects along US Highway 270 in Seminole continue and work on the brick segment along Broadway will begin Thursday, Sept. 12. The project was estimated at $379,266
Read morebirthdays Those celebrating birthdays today include Emily Blankenship, Bob Cash-man, Charles Chadick, Brian Churchwell, Jackey Douglas, Fluffy Fiefried, Fhonda Fixico, Ken Green, William Houck III, Josh Hudson, Suntilla Jack, Drennan
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